Although, I do have one aspect to complain about, we have a major conflict of interest: my body and lil' Miss Cami Mae (and doctor, family, and most of all, husband) keep telling me to slow down my pace, take on less projects, and de-stress, but I find this to be nearly impossible. Between my pregnancy, work, family time, and friendships, I have really struggled with saying, "No," and putting myself and , my little girl, first.
I feel so conflicted because I am a go-getter, and I put a lot of pressure on myself to keep up the pace. Not to mention, it's what I live for--I love teaching, coaching, coordinating, socializing, and making a home. So instead of slowing down, I continue to go pedal to the metal. I think all women, no matter if you are a mommy, future mommy, bride-to-be, student, business owner, or career woman (many of us may be more than one), can relate to my dilemma: How do we balance our dreams & drive with our health?
At this point, I must defer to my father's famous words of wisdom, "Health has to come first, without it, the rest is impossible." Papaw (my dad) has some great advice at times. ;) With this, we are finally entering week 27 of being pregnant, and I have decided to hit the brakes and downshift into a more mommy-friendly gear, at least I think so.
My challenge to all of the females out there is to Pump the Brakes! Try, this week, to take a step back and look at your life. and see if there are any areas that you can make cuts. And then, do it, make the cut. Even if it only frees you up for 15 minutes on a random Tuesday each month, it is worth it. Just say no. You deserve it.
In searching for ways to complete the challenge, I found several helpful and funny articles online. Click here to read "16 Ways to De-stress" from Allure Magazine online, written by Alexandra Owens. My personal favorites were #3 Open a Window, #5 Pucker Up (apparently a kiss or two per day can really help you relax!) and #10 Watch a tear-jerker (love it!).
Personally, for me, Challenge Pump the Brakes is one of the most difficult tasks I have ever committed to (#conundrum). Luckily being pregnant is kind of a deciding factor on pumping the brakes and taking a break from extra responsibilities. You see, Baby Camille is due right smack in the middle of wedding season, which means I will definitely be taking a mini-hiatus. And although it is a challenge to let go of my usual responsibilities and my passion for wedding season, somehow I think I will manage. ;) My new little girl will be here soon and I am sure I will be presented with a whole new variety of challenges as a new mommy.
Challenge accepted,
Angela Clark
Northwest Arkansas Event Planner and Coordinator